For children and teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), they can sometimes have trouble processing sensory stimulation. This can present as an aversion to being touched, especially when they are experiencing stress or heightened emotions.
How do I help calm my child with Autism Spectrum Disorder when they appear stressed or emotional?
Whether you are a parent of a child with ASD, or a teacher with a student with autism, there is now a range of incredible sensory resources for people with autism to help support and calm emotions.
Temple Grandin, Ph.D. conducted extensive research specifically into the effect of deep touch pressure for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Compared to light touch therapy, which can alert the nervous system, deep touch therapy has proven to be calming and relaxing.
Many of us now know about the benefits of weighted blankets, no matter where you sit on the Autism Spectrum Disorder. But for children with ASD, the Sensory Steamroller takes it one step further in providing soothing, calming pressure. Also known as the ‘Squeeze Machine’, it was originally invented by Temple Grandin, Ph.D. as a result of her research into deep therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder.
What are the benefits of the Sensory Steamroller for children with ASD?
Available in two sizes, our Australian handmade Sensory Steamroller takes Temple Grandin, Ph.D.’s deep touch therapy research and puts it into practice.
Whenever a child begins to feel stressed, or simply craves deep pressure without being touched by another, they can push themselves through the Sensory Steamroller and self-regulate the proprioceptive feedback via the side tension adjustments. By sliding back and forth inside the Steamroller, they can gain as much or as little deep sensory input as they need.
Sensory Steamroller for Schools
The Sensory Steamroller is one of the best types of sensory resources for schools.
We have had wonderful feedback on the benefits of the Steamroller for students, not only in terms of their behaviour, but also in their general wellbeing and certainly during times of stress or heightened emotions.
Are you interested in learning more about Bloom Classroom’s Australian-made Sensory Steamroller, or ready to purchase one for your home or classroom? Click here to read more about this incredible sensory resource for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder.